Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bought the plane tickets

We had a very busy three week time period of trying to raise the money for the plane tickets. At the time, never dreaming that it would be for December that we would be meeting Ethan!!! Of course, prices are higher at around Christmas time & we are leaving the week before Christmas! BUT...get this, our cost of the plane tickets (@2800) was within just a dollar or two of the money that has come in in these BUSY three weeks!!!

I am going to beg for prayer for protection over our marriage, over our children, over our family & Ethan in his country. I have noticed that when something wonderful happens with our adoption, there is then a huge "FIGHT" & i am sure that this will be no exception.

I have spent the most of the night caring for three children who are our health would be a HUGE area of needing prayer. Another prayer request is that Scott HAS to be here in time to go to the airport...prayer for his safety AND for the trains to be on time! Pray for the girls, Sophina especially, as this will be a full week without mommy or dad! They are NOT used to this. PLEASE write us down on 3x5 card and tape us to your bathroom mirror or your kitchen window above the sink. We REALLY want to be completely covered in prayer!

We are praising the Lord for His incredible goodness in taking care of our plane tickets AND taking care of them so perfectly and in His timing! We are so blessed for all who have helped us thus far & we can't wait to see who the Lord brings into our lives in these next months because of little Ethan! We are always blessed, Connie for the crew

1 comment:

  1. Praising the Lord for His magnificent blessings on your family, my dear friend <3 Excited for the work in your life and can't wait to see your precious boy in your arms soon!
