Thursday, December 15, 2011

These last hours before we leave

There is so much to do in order to be ready to go see Ethan! There is so much to do to have all of our things ready for the daughters that we are leaving behind. Sophina has been struggling since 5am this morning hacking and congested and struggling to breathe as i can hear her now whining in her sleep....and my Mommy heart aches and wonders how she will do without me...sick. She sounds miserable and my heart hurts that i can't be here...i just wrote a whole bunch of 'what ifs' that have struggled hard to take over my mind as i fight to KNOW that she is in very capable hands.
I woke up sick myself.......and weak. NOT the way that the last 27 hours before leaving the house should be....Sophina is down here now and sounds horrible...ugh! SO...yep, we are needing prayer for our physical health. BIG, please stop right now and pray for our health! Hey, thanks! ;)

We haven't even packed...i don't have enough clothes to pack earlier;) I have clothes that are suitable for dressy wear (from my job that i had at the Cafe Renaissance) and i have REALLY casual clothes but not clothes for this...semi-casual. I have a pair of jeans and two pair for travel and then i don't Lizzie and Ally will have to help me;}) We have PJ's for Ethan...two different sizes plus one adorable outfit that i am praying that i got the right size for. We are making a book that will have both Scott and i speaking it for Ethan. Then i have a ball, some markers that are small with a small coloring book, a mirror and a super soft blue Eeyore;}) SO we definitely need prayer for we have MANY MANY MANY other things that need to get done. SO PLEASE PRAY...yep, now would be a perfect time;}) PLEASE pray for our organizational skills, our good use of time, our being able to get the things done that need doing. Pray that we remember all that we need to have done before we leave this house.

Also, please pray for Scott and i. This is our first time alone for more than 36 hours in eighteen years. Pray that our time will be sweet. Pray that we will be renewed. Please pray that our time together will be full of wonderful memories! Also, please pray for Ethan to be prepared for us and for our hearts to be prepared for him! Pray that our time as the three of us will be amazingly full!!
My hubby's home.....must go....please pray!!! Ethan, here we come!!!!!!!!!


  1. Praying for clarity of thought, peace, joy and grace as you are in the final countdown. YEAH!!!!

  2. I pray everyday for God to help Heavn's heart be ready for us and I will do the same for you. I know our hearts are already readdy for them! I wish you a wonderful time with your husband.

  3. Praying all these and more for you!

  4. Praying for peace and relaxation....praying for health and wonderful travel....praying for your first meeting with Ethan.....praying for your last meeting (until next time) with Ethan....Praying for God's love and comfort!!!! Praying....Praying.....Praying......

  5. THANK YOU LADIES....PLEASE do NOT stop!!!
